Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Awe-fully Excited, Jill Badonsky Interview coming soon

It won't be long before she's here. Creativity Coach and author, among other fabulous titles, Jill Badonsky will make a quick stop on her blog tour. On February 14 she'll pay me a visit and answer a few questions about herself. Expect fun. Expect a Valentine sweet piece.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Manifestastical...the magic of manifestation

The possibility of each new day is felt in the morning sunrise.

Isn't it just magical when you realize you called something in to your reality?

You thought of it and it appeared. You let go of the end result and magic happened. Pure intention innocently crafted is readily brought into our material world if only we let go of the result.

It wasn't long ago that I arrived at my waitressing job and said to myself it would be nice to make at least one hundred dollars tonight. Of course, looking around the restaurant I couldn't see that it would happen, or at least it didn't look hopeful.

I quickly remembered that I am Pure Potential. I remembered that between Point A and Point B there is this thing called POSSIBILITY. I didn't know HOW it would happen I only needed to know there was a possibility it could happen.

Then and there I reminded myself that anything was possible and I went about my work.

How delightful that three hours later as I counted the wad of bills in my apron I was way ahead of my goal of $100. POSSIBILITY. I gave thanks to my own self for remembering that manifestation requires the letting go and the faith of POSSIBILITY.

Remembering that manifestation requires the letting go and the faith of POSSIBILITY is key.

Try this yourself and see. Yee ha!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sunflower Studio news, Jill Badonsky Plans a Visit

Are you a fan of The Nine Modern Day Muses and a Bodyguard? Do you use the Awe-manac? Are your creative juices overflowing due to a very special lady's tips, tricks and coaching? If the answer is yes then be sure to keep checking in to Sunflower Studio for a very big Valentine Event. You will LOVE this.
Yes, it's true the ever creative master of muses, Jill Badonsky is planning a short visit. Together

we have planned a short interview to be relayed here at Sunflower Studio in February on Valentine's Day. Mark your calendar for February 14!

So, bring your favorite chocolate bar, a hot drink, pencil and paper (for note taking) and plan on eavesdropping on my conversation with one of my idols.

My second piece of news is bittersweet. Bitter?! Yes. I will be closing Sunflower Studio. What does this mean to you? It means you will no longer be able to find me at this URL. I thank Blogger and more than that I thank Melba who introduced me to blogging. Sunflower Studio was there for my personal growth, and grow I have, in ways that I didn't even go into online. You only saw a Nth of what I was going through.

It's bittersweet I said. Sweet? Yes. It's sweet because I am reopening a new blog at a new address with a new name. I will be announcing it soon. My new blog will be more for my creative self, less of my personal self. It's not like I won't tell you if I go surfing, I will tell you. (However, don't count on ever seeing me surfing." I simply am ready to go in another direction.

I hope you will stay on board, my door is always open and hey, I'll leave the light on for you.

Updates about the new blog will come soon. You will be able to find the Jill Badonsky interview here and at the new locale.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Empowering Our Children...Just Be Yourself a Children's Book by a Maine Author

JUST BE YOURSELF story and art by Tamra L. Veilleux

When short, orange carrot gets pulled from the comfort of the dark sweet soil he becomes confused about his possible contribution to the world. What could a short orange one be good at? After asking the wisest ones he can find carrot discovers that by putting aside worry, relaxing, and having fun he can uncover exactly what he’s good at.

Have you noticed that many kids feel stressed and pressured?! Relieve them of their worry!

This colorful short story for ages 3-7 is intended to empower our children. The easy to absorb message is that you can stop worrying. You are perfect and you are enough, no matter who or what you are.

Colorful mixed-media art illustrations with an upbeat story will engage your kids and help them to know that it is okay to JUST BE YOURSELF.
For information on purchasing this book please contact me directly via email: artlady.tlc@gmail.com