I dream A LOT! I know there are messages to be had. Sometimes I get it right away, other times I have to look it up in my dream encyclopedia. Always, always, it resonates. I enjoy dream interpretation. This frog was a good omen, or I should say an omen of good things coming my way. Yee ha. Who couldn't use a bit more of that?
Beyond the dreams the numbers are speaking to me, too. One, eleven, and one elven have been constantly showing themselves to me either in my car clock, waking me at the middle of the night, on the computer screen, house location numbers, etc. When I looked it up it seems it's all about watching my thoughts. I am creating my life, keep my thoughts clean, clear and good. Then, last week, the threes started. Now it's three, thirty three and three-three-three everywhere I turn. This morning, 3:00 am on the nose I woke up with a scream. Literally-screaming. Jumped me out of my bed to find Reggie, the puggle, poking his nose in my armpit.
When I inquired with my little book about threes, sure enough, Master teachers surround me, it's a good time to be asking questions. This information is according to the Doreen Virtue numbers book I keep on hand. Beautiful info. What numbers show up for you? And what do they mean?
The power of numbers in your life seems really incredible.
I love those moments when the world seems to be speaking directly to you.
Me too. I get those "thrill bumps", or goose bumps, whatever you want to call them. The top of my head tingles and I know it was meant for me.
Notice your own numbers and send me an e-mail...
Dontcha just LOVE PORTLAND MAINE?? Yeah, me too.
Hi Tammi!
Ah, now I see why Melba introduced you to me! I do have a strong interest in numbers as they show up for me quite a bit. In particular the numbers 17 or 7 and 17 show up constantly. I used to think they were a bad omen (they are the numbers of my birthday) and I thought they meant something awful was going to happen, but nothing awful did happen, so I decided that they were simply a wink from the Universe every time I saw them.
I also dream super vividly and try to pay attention to what comes up. It was great to meet you. I'll come by again! :-)
Hi Tammi,
Thanks for visiting me again. The name of teacher of the class I made the altars in is Anahata Katkin. The class was Creative Instinct. She lives in Oregon I think. She is awesome. anahata.typepad.com/my_weblog/
I just went over to say HI to Tori. Another Maine blogger!
I used to have a book on dream interpretations (sp?)someplace....hmmmm....I wonder where it could be?
Did you go to the flea market???
OH....if you want to drive to the Justbe with Mom and I, you are quite welcome!! (we are going a day early just to shop and have though)
A wonderful dreamer!!!! I enjoyed your post!!
what a beautiful sketch ... frogs are super special :)
here's an interesting one on numbers ... my son was born on the 7th day of the 7th month, he was 27 long and 7 pounds 7 ounces ... he pays attention to sevens ...
i too am a vivid dreamer
loved this post
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