Friday, March 30, 2007

More Altered Discs

Velvet Step...This lovely leg is from a 1950's advertisement for shoes. I just fell in love with it. To me it says "Cinderelly is ready for the ball, check these feet!". More dancing, more chalk and more music sheets.

My altered disk using 1929 effy stuff. These are the same dancers from the first disk I did. They were part of that radiola ad. I still have one more couple like this that Iwill use on a bigger piece...eventually.

These are the three finished altered CD's. I will be mounting them in one frame. I hope this is it for the dance theme for the time being. This stuff is outside of my element and truthfully I am new to collage so I'm quite nervous about these results. I feel confident they'll look good framed.


mormar said...

I really think these look nice.

Kara said...

Wow these are gorgeous, can I ask how do you make them ?


Tam I Am said...

Hi Kara~ thanks for checking my blog. I'm glad you like the dancing CD's.

To make these I traced & cut the circle shape of the cd using my chosen background paper, used rubber cement on both the disk and the paper, trimmed anything sticking out or over and then decorated. For the entire decor I used acid free rubber cement.

Do some disks of your own and post them for me to see. Good luck.

daisies said...

oh wow ~ how cool is this!!

i have been doing some collage and mixed media but would have never thought to do cds and i have a bunch of old ones kicking around ~ thanks for the inspiration :)